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: Nasser.Mebarkiatls2n.fr

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Publications référencées sur HAL

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. Evaluation of a new decision-aid parameter for job shop scheduling under uncertainties. In RAIRO - Operations Research ; éd. EDP Sciences, 2019, vol. 53, num. 2.
    • [2] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, F. Belkadi, A. Shahzad, A. Bernard. Human-machine cooperation in planning and scheduling: a case study on an unstable environment. In European Journal of Industrial Engineering ; éd. Inderscience, 2018, vol. 12, num. 6.
    • [3] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. Tardiness minimization heuristic for job shop scheduling under uncertainties using group sequences. In International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics ; éd. Inderscience Publishers, 2018.
    • [4] A. Shahzad, N. Mebarki. Learning Dispatching Rules for Scheduling: A Synergistic View Comprising Decision Trees, Tabu Search and Simulation. In Computers ; éd. MDPI, 2016, vol. 5, num. 1.
    • [5] J. Hoc, C. Guerin, N. Mebarki. The Nature of Expertise in Scheduling: The Case of Timetabling. In Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries ; éd. Wiley, 2014, vol. 24, num. 2.
    • [6] O. Cardin, N. Mebarki, G. Pinot. A study of the robustness of the group scheduling method using an emulation of a complex FMS. In International Journal of Production Economics ; éd. Elsevier [1991-....], 2013, vol. 146.
    • [7] N. Mebarki, A. Shahzad. Correlation among tardiness-based measures for scheduling using priority dispatching rules. In International Journal of Production Research ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2013, vol. 51, num. 12.
    • [8] A. Shahzad, N. Mebarki. Data mining based job dispatching using hybrid simulation-optimization approach for shop scheduling problem. In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ; éd. Elsevier, 2012, vol. 25, num. 6.
    • [9] C. Guerin, J. Hoc, N. Mebarki. The nature of expertise in industrial scheduling: Strategic and tactical processes, constraint and object management. In International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics ; éd. Elsevier, 2012, vol. 42, num. 5.

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [10] A. Ghiles Hamiti, W. Bouazza, A. Laurent, M. Nasser. Machine Learning prediction model for Dynamic Scheduling of Hybrid Flow-Shop based on Metaheuristic. In INCOM 2024, août 2024, Vienne (AUT), France.
    • [11] E. Amann, E. Gurevsky, A. Laurent, N. Mebarki. Minimizing the number of mail sorting sessions as a variant of vector bin-packing: A case study at La Poste. In 18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2024), août 2024, Vienne, Autriche.
    • [12] E. Amann, E. Gurevsky, A. Laurent, N. Mebarki. Mail sorting optimization: a case study of the French postal company La Poste. In 22nd IFAC World Congress, juillet 2023, Yokohama, Japon.
    • [13] B. Rolf, N. Mebarki, S. Lang, T. Reggelin, O. Cardin, A. Dolgui, H. Mouchère. Using Knowledge Graphs and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence for Reconfigurable Supply Chains: A Research Framework. In MIM 2022: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, juin 2022, Nantes, France.
    • [14] A. Niati, C. Selma, D. Tamzalit, H. Bruneliere, N. Mebarki, O. Cardin. Towards a Digital Twin for Cyber-Physical Production Systems: A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Approach in the Postal Industry. In ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '20 Companion), octobre 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
    • [15] E. Capawa Fotsoh, P. Castagna, N. Mebarki, P. Berruet. MODULARITY OF RMS: WHAT ABOUT THE AGGREGATION?. In 13ème CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE MODELISATION, OPTIMISATION ET SIMULATION (MOSIM2020, novembre 2020, AGADIR (virtuel), Maroc.
    • [16] N. Keddari, N. Mebarki, A. Shahzad, Z. Sari. Solving an Integration Process Planning and Scheduling in a Flexible Job Shop Using a Hybrid Approach. In 6th IFIP International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (CIIA), mai 2018, Oran, Algérie.In Abdelmalek Amine (éds.), . Springer International Publishing, 2018.
    • [17] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki. A new HMI scheduling model implemented on a real manufacturing scheduling system. In 7th workshop on Service-Orientation in Holonic and Multi agent manufacturing (SOHOMA’2017), octobre 2017, nantes, France.
    • [18] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. Minimizing tardiness for job shop scheduling under uncertainties. In 3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT’2016), avril 2016, Sain Julien, Malte.
    • [19] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. Investigations on the flexibility of a Group Sequence and its effect on the Best-Case Schedule. In IEEE Third International Conference on Control, Engineering and Information Technology, mai 2015, Tlemcen, Algérie.
    • [20] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. Une amélioration de la méthode exacte pour trouver le meilleur des cas dans un ordonnancement de groupes. In International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, septembre 2014, Blida, Algérie.
    • [21] Z. Yahouni, N. Mebarki, Z. Sari. A NEW APPROACH FOR THE BEST-CASE SCHEDULE IN A GROUP SEQUENCE. In MOSIM 2014, 10ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation, novembre 2014, Nancy, France.
    • [22] M. Souier, A. Hassam, Z. Sari, N. Mebarki. A NEW RELEASE OF MODIFIED DISSIMILARITY MAXIMIZATION METHOD FOR REAL TIME ALTERNATIVE ROUTING SELECTION IN AN FMS. In 9th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization & SIMulation, juin 2012, Bordeaux, France.
    • [23] G. Pinot, N. Mebarki, J. Hoc. A new human-machine system for group sequencing. In International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM'2009), 2009, Montreal, Canada.
    • [24] G. Pinot, M. Nasser. An exact method for the best case in a group sequence: Application to a general shop problem. In 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, juin 2009, Moscou, Russie.
    • [25] G. Pinot, M. Nasser. Best-case lower bounds in a group sequence for the job shop problem. In 17th IFAC World Congress, 2008, juillet 2008, Seoul, Corée du Sud.
    • [26] G. Pinot, M. Nasser, J. Hoc. Coopération homme-machine pour la mise en œuvre d'un ordonnancement de groupes. In Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique (CIFA) 2008, septembre 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie.
    • [27] G. Pinot, M. Nasser, J. Hoc. Cooperation between human and machine for shop scheduling under uncertainties. In Human and Organisational Factors in Planning and Scheduling Conference, septembre 2008, Lausanne, Suisse.
    • [28] G. Pinot, O. Cardin, M. Nasser. A study on the group sequencing method in regards with transportation in an industrial FMS. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2007), octobre 2007, Montreal, Canada.

Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_NAT)

    • [29] N. Mebarki, W. Bouazza, A. Ghiles Hamiti, A. Laurent, M. Kenani. Apprentissage automatique pour l'ordonnancement dynamique d'un atelier de production hybride basé sur une métaheuristique. In 2ème Congrès Annuel de la Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP 2024), mai 2024, Villeurbanne (France), France.
    • [30] E. Amann, A. Laurent, E. Gurevsky, N. Mebarki. Constitution optimale des sessions de tri du courrier à La Poste. In 2ème Congrès Annuel de la Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP 2024), mai 2024, Villeurbanne, France.
    • [31] E. Amann, E. Gurevsky, N. Mebarki. Optimisation du tri du courrier: un cas d'étude à La Poste. In 24ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2023), février 2023, Rennes, France.
    • [32] G. Pinot, N. Mebarki, J. Hoc. Coopération homme-machine pour la mise en œuvre d'un ordonnancement de groupe. In 5ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie.
    • [33] J. Hoc, C. Guerin, N. Mebarki. The nature of expertise in scheduling : the case of university timetable design. In HOPS Final Conference, 2008, Lausanne, Suisse.
    • [34] G. Pinot, M. Nasser. Le meilleur des cas dans un ordonnancement de groupes. In ROADEF 2008, février 2008, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
    • [35] G. Pinot, M. Nasser. Une étude sur l'ordonnancement de groupes par rapport aux temps de transport dans une chaîne de production. In ROADEF 2008, février 2008, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
    • [36] G. Pinot, M. Nasser. Heuristiques pour le meilleur des cas dans un ordonnancement de groupes. In MOSIM' 2008, mars 2008, Paris, France.
    • [37] G. Pinot, M. Nasser. Coopération homme machine pour la mise en œuvre d'un ordonnancement de groupes. In ROADEF 2007, février 2007, Grenoble, France.

Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)

    • [38] E. Capawa Fotsoh, N. Mebarki, P. Castagna, P. Berruet, F. Gamboa. Towards a Reference Model for Configuration of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS). In Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems. 25-08-2020
    • [39] E. Capawa-Fotsoh, N. Mebarki, P. Castagna, P. Berruet. A Classification for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems. In From Design to Implementation. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 20-10-2019
    • [40] C. Selma, D. Tamzalit, N. Mebarki, O. Cardin, L. Bruggeman, D. Thiériot. Industry 4.0 and Service Companies: The Case of the French Postal Service. In Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing - Proceedings of SOHOMA 2018. 2018
    • [41] C. Artigues, J. Billaut, A. Cheref, N. Mebarki, Z. Yahouni. Robust Machine Scheduling Based on Group of Permutable Jobs. In Robustness Analysis in Decision Aiding. 2016
    • [42] R. Jan, J. Hoc, M. Nasser, C. Dimopoulos, W. Wout Van, G. Pinot. Design of scheduling algorithms : applications. In Behavioral operations in planning and scheduling. 2010
    • [43] R. Jan, J. Hoc, M. Nasser, D. Christos, W. Wout Van, P. Guillaume. Design of scheduling algorithms.. In Behavioral operations in planning and scheduling. 2010
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